
stavarda avatar image
stavarda asked

Cerbo and colour display

Hello All I was going to look at building a system using the VE BUS BMS/ Multi Colour display connected to the Multi-plus II but have found out it and the Cerbo/ Colour Display.

I found out I dont need the BMS as i will be using AGM batteries, I'm in Thailand and Lithium's are not readily available and very expensive

My first question is will i be able to have all the functionality of the BMS/MultiColour panel on the Cerbo/ Colour display.

the second question is i was going to use the Load /Charge disconnect function for the Smart Battery Protect 100 units for the Solar and 12 volt again if not using the BMS will i be able to set levels for the Charge disconnect of the Solar and load disconnect of the 12 volt system.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Use a BMV for battery monitoring not the VE BMS, like a bmv 700, 702 or smart shunt.

The inverter can be programmed to charge and shut down based on State of Charge or voltage.

The BMV has a relay that can be programmed to signal something else. So maybe that can be incorporated into the design.

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stavarda avatar image stavarda commented ·
I have a BMV 712 that i will be using
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