
johanw avatar image
johanw asked

Multiplus BMS Charging Control

Hi i have a multiplus 12/1600/70 Charging my 400 AH winston cells with an X2 BMS how can i get the multiplus to stop charging, when BMS tells it to stop from BMS i have a relay that is on and than the contact is on, if BMS stop working or tell system to stop loading the relay drops As what i can see it should be possible to use the temp sensor as input and disable the VS in the system, so when relay drops i want the charger to stop what is the best settings lithium in charger?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerBMScharger
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
If you can not trust your BMS to take your batteries offline, how do you trust interconnection between the BMS and Multi?
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2 Answers
johanw avatar image
johanw answered ·

I trust BMS.but when i have the inverter i can not put the charger /inverter before the BMS charge relay, than the inverter will not work as i like it. thats why my bms has a second otput for controll charging in multiplus. This is a boat application.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

Hello @johanw need to use the "BMS Two signal assistant" available to you to use if you use the VEConfigure Program to Program your multi. To use the program you will need the Mk3 VEBus to USB adapter and run VE Configure on a PC. On the last selectable page on VE Configure you can see "Assistants". Here you can load very useful subroutines to control various aspects of the Multi that are slightly out of the ordinary.

If you run the "BMS Two Signal Assistant" you will be able to utilise contact closure on the Temp in and Aux in connector on the multi to stop charging or to stop inverting depending on the instruction from the BMS to stop charging or stop loading the battery bank.

An outline of the assistants available including the one you are interested in is available here.

I hopes this helps a bit.


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Related Resources


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Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page

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