
orangecrush avatar image
orangecrush asked

2022 Ford F250 Orion 12/12-18 Startup Issue

I recently installed an Isolated Orion 12/12-18amp DC-DC converter in our Airstream which is taking power from our F250 7 pin trailer charge line which is 10 gauge. I have the grounds connected together as I do not need isolated. When it works it works fine, however, I am having an odd startup issue. When I start things up cold the F250 sees all systems as OK and enables the charge line and it works fine. If I shutoff the vehicle and re-start within say 20 minutes or so I get "Trailer Battery Not Connected" warning on the F250 and the charge line and Orion is not enabled. I have observed a very slow voltage drop when turning the F250 off via monitoring the voltage on the Orion when it is working. I am beginning to believe the Orion may have a startup problem when it has not been allowed to completely drain this phantom charge before starting again. Anyone know what may be going on here? Is it possible I have a bad Orion or maybe this is an artifact of using an isolated version in a non-isolated application?

orion-tr smart
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4 Answers
orangecrush avatar image
orangecrush answered ·

Some more information. It is the Orion that has a slow voltage decay after shutdown. If I disconnect the Orion and apply a bleed resistor to get this voltage down below 1V then re-connect the F250 and start everything is fine.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Are the negs on the Orion grounded as well as connected?

I assume voltage decay is the value on the input side of the Orion. If the Orion is wired to the starter battery, there will always be voltage on input.

Please post a screen shot of your charger settings.

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orangecrush avatar image
orangecrush answered ·

Yes and yes. I can't seam to get a screen shot to upload without getting a parsing error so I will type settings below. Thanks!

Battery preset User Defined

Absorption 14.4V

Float 13.6V

Bulk Time Limit 10h

Re-bulk offset 0.1V

Low voltage cutout 10.0V

Low voltage cut back in 11.5V

Engine shutdown detection is off (played with many settings here without any effect on the problem).

With these settings I am getting a 14.4V bulk output with a 12.6V input so all is working fine when it works. Just this gradual decay when turned off from the Orion seams to trip up the Ford on re-start so it does not detect a trailer battery and shuts off the charge line.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Is this the installation with a manual on off switch?

Is smart alternator on?

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orangecrush avatar image orangecrush kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Yes manual on/off switch. No on smart alternator. Problem occurs weather I have the manual on/of on or off.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Guessing. Seems the Ford needs to see a current to switch the feed on. And that the bleed resistor enabled enough current for the Ford to think the Orion was a battery.

Maybe try setting startup delay in the Orion to 0.

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orangecrush avatar image orangecrush commented ·
I tried delayed start. No difference.

To be clear, the bleed resister has only been used as an experiment when the Orion is off and disconnected from the tow vehicle to get the input voltage down faster. It is then re-moved when I plug back into the tow vehicle and then start up. I have done this many times now and it is definitely the residual Orion input voltage with time constant that the Ford does not like. The Orion is on the trailer side of the connector.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ orangecrush commented ·
Sounds like you need confirmation from Ford on how the battery detect works.
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