
e6bill avatar image
e6bill asked

Use MQTT to enable/disable SmartSolar MPPT

How do I change the "charger enabled" setting via MQTT? I can read and write values, just need to know which topics, if any, need to be changed. My end goal is to enable/disable the MPPT's based on several variables in my RV automation software.

for example:



MPPT ControllersMQTT
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2 Answers
elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

Mode will turn the output on and off

Write 1 for ON

Write 4 for OFF

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woogieboogie avatar image woogieboogie commented ·
When I write this value with MQTT explorer I see the value briefly change but then it returns to the original value. So it doesn't seem to be remotely writeable, any idea what I may be doing wrong?
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rola avatar image
rola answered ·

You must send the change to


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woogieboogie avatar image woogieboogie commented ·
That worked, thanks.
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