
martin24 avatar image
martin24 asked

Missing "Limit Charge Power" in ESS menu after Firmware update

Multigrid 48/3000/35-50, BYD BBOX 48V, Venus GX, Victron Grid Meter, AC-coupled SMA Inverter

I just upgrades Venus GX firmware to v2.84 (haven't done an upgrade for a while).

Now in ESS menue the iten "Limit charge power" is missing.

Is this intentionally?

Is it somewhere else?

Can I get it back?

Background (perhaps there is a smarter way to achieve the same):

In Germany I am only allowed to feed into the grid a maximum of 70% of PV module power, in my case I am allowed to feed in a maximum of 6.5kW. During summertime I want do charge the Battery to e.g. 50% in the morning, then wait (stop charging) until PV power gets above 6.5kW around noon and charge the Battery only with the power that is exceeding the 6.5kW limit. This is possible by setting "grid setpoint" to -6500W while "limit Inverter power" is set to 0W. After around 2 p.m. I again allow full charging (grid setpoint 0W) to make sure the battery is full in the eveneing.

But for the time in between up to now I stopped charging by setting "Limit Charge Power" to 0W. This is not possible any more.

BTW, there is a new menue item "Grid feed-in" but with only the manual I don't understand what exactly it is used for and how.

firmware update
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have a look under Grid feed in in the ess menu and see if this helps also look at using schedule charging as this may also help

you can limit the battery charge amps under DVCC

hope this is of some help

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martin24 avatar image martin24 commented ·
DVCC limit charge current works (limit charge power in ESS would be more convenient)

Scheduled Charging does not work for me because the Battery the is charged from mains if there is not enough PV power. I'd like a global switch "never charge from mains unless absolutely necessary" ...

Grid feed-in menu I still don't understand with just reading the manual. Seems to need some reverse engineering.

To be honest the whole user concept is quite unclear to me because in many cases it is not clearly specified which setting does what and especially it is unclear which setting overrides which other setting or changes behavior when something else is changed.

Thanks for your help!

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Re your comment - Scheduled Charging does not work for me because the Battery is charged from mains if there is not enough PV power. I'd like a global switch "never charge from mains unless absolutely necessary" ...

Basically the schedule charge option can be set so that its only used if the SOC drops below a certain figure 9 so set one up for a 24 hr period then another for a diferate period ie if you set the soc limit to 20% then the battery would be charged only during nominated times and then only upto the 20% level.

unless I am missing your point.

The Victron Systems are very flexible and using them in combination - (inc assistants) you can cover most senerios - just requires some creative thinking from time to time. and experimentation.

Like I don't want to export so I set my setpoint as limit to 100 until the batteries are below 20% then take from the grid any power needed above what the solar provides.

then I also can turn the ac1 relay off if battery voltage gets to say 56volts (thus full) and thus this 100% stops any exporting - and the grid tie solar on AC1 out is then derated as needed.

To use the frequency shift feature - you must be disconnected from the mains, this then allows the inverter to increase Hz as needed to derate the grid tie units. (AC Conected)

There also other ways as well depending on the inverters you use Ie Grid tie on DC MPPT etcetc


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martin24 avatar image
martin24 answered ·

I don't want to charge fom the mains. Never.

Therefore schedule charging does not work for me at all, because I cannot specify the source of charging power.

What I would like to achieve (at sunny summer days):

During nighttime use Battery for the power needed in my house. As soon as PV power is available use that for in-house consumption. If there is more PV power use that to charge the Battery. Up to SOC e.g. 50%.

Then stop charging (to leave room for charging around noon) and feed unused power into grid. When around noon grid feed-in become higher than allowed, use excessive power for charging the battery. At around 2 p.m. start charging with full PV power again to make sure battery is full in the evening.

Victron system may be flexible, but not flexible enough. And documentation is IMHO quite bad, so you need to reverse engineer what is meant.

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va13 avatar image
va13 answered ·

@victron will the feature come back?

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