
ianddindustries avatar image
ianddindustries asked

lynx smart bms discharge floor adjustment


I have a mobile system with a lynx smart bms and cerbo gx that is monitored in real time.

Is it possible to raise or lower the discharge floor on a lynx smart bms and if so is it possible via cerbo gx on VRM

Thanks Grant

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Unfortunately this is not yet possible. Discharge floor is a fixed value (10%) that cannot be changed.

I'm missing this feature too and will forward this to the developers. Maybe they can make this user adjustable.

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ianddindustries avatar image ianddindustries commented ·
Hi Stefanie

thanks for the reply

The lynx manual states the discharge floor is set at 15% however my system turned off at 10% as you stated

came up with #36 ATC/ATD failure

consumed amp hours of -578.8

battery 23.17v

Its a 600 amp 24v system if it had turned the ATD off at 15% and not the ATC as well it would of had time to allow the solar to kick in and charge up again?

System was plugged into mains and all is now well



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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ ianddindustries commented ·


The default value of 10% is not yet incorporated into the manual, as well as some other things that changed over the time. It's being worked on. The adjustable discharge floor is coming too in one of the next firmware releases.

#36 ATC/ATD failure: the ATC/ATD error occurs when charging or discharging is not allowed and the current remains too high. In case of ATD low it means max. 1.5A (switch off loads) and in case of ATC it means max. 1A (shutdown your chargers).

In retrospect, it's difficult to say whether ATC was actually low. Either the system was completely off after ATD went low because of a low temperature event or remote off, standby or one of the BMS cables came loose.
As long as ATC is high, charging is always allowed. You might want to investigate further and see if everything is correct with your solar system.

However, glad to hear everything is working again and your batteries are safe. Finally the BMS did what it was designed for, switching everything off as a last resort to save your investment ;-)

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