
johntemel avatar image
johntemel asked

SmartShunt HQ2036VPVMM Export data


I need to export data from the smart shunt. What is my best option.


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4 Answers
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

If your SmartShunt is connected to a GX device and to the cloud you can download all your data in VRM.

Go to the advance tab, select the timeline you want the data for and click the cloud download button.

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Rod Green avatar image
Rod Green answered ·

My install is one campervan I have a Smartshunt, a Smart battery charger and a Smartsolar is there no simple way to download the data so I can judge capacity, usage and supply, ideally in csv form. I am having to get my data from screen shots on the App which is tedious, exports from the App would be fine.

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Rod Green avatar image
Rod Green answered ·

......also my install has full internet access so all I need is a WiFi interface and an account, a relay or 2 might be good but not at the price of a Cerbo GX !

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hbk1 avatar image
hbk1 answered ·

If you are willing to tinker a bit an ESP32 is an alternative:

I use it with a dev board from Aliexpress and it is working fine.

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