okay this is the problem :
in a nother question i asked why my quattro 8000 does not feed in any more after fw update. still wait for answer ;)
anyway this is a new one till i figured the first question out.
i have 3x 3000 multiplus 2 and 1 quattro 8000. first my idea was the 8000 for one house and the 3x3000 for a nother.
new idea the 8000 for "house1" grid l1 to ac 1 and then ac 1 out to house l1.
multiplus 1 ac in 1 to grid l2
multiplus 2 ac in 1 to grid l3
multiplus 3 ac in 1 to grid l1 "house2" so there is at least some phase compensation happening ;)
configure multiplus 1 & 2 to phase compansation for house 1
em24 is infront of all victron gear at grid.(both houses...)
can this work? the quattro does not need to be connected to the cerbo gx but can if it is possible?
there are no 3 phase motors or machines anywhere in the house1.
Thank you for ur answers.