I have a Victron system for a short time, exactly 11 days and this problem occured already for the third time. For some reason the system switches invertor off (none of LED invertor indicator is on/flashing) . After that one or more phases are consuming 100% from grid even battery is charged enough.
You can see it on the screenshot that this happened today and 01:28 and remained so for the rest of the night.
When I switched off AC in then all of units started to invert correctly. When the grid was on again (7:28) the undesired state (invertor off) remained. At 7:38 I bypassed PV and all of 3 units automatically woke up. After returning back to PV the system is working as desired.
Is it a known problem in firmware or configuration? VRM log shows no alarm, no error.
Thank you.
MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32
Firmware version 494
ESS, Three phase system, one unit per phase