
hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear asked

Multiplus AC Out is over voltage > 320VAC

I'm in the US. I have a Multiplus 230V that is connected to a Victron Autotransformer. The Autotransformer splits the 230/240V into two 120V legs which go to my breakers.

Currently at the AC1 Out terminals of my Multiplus it's measuring ~320VAC. The autotransformer is then pushing ~150VAC to my breakers/outlets.

What could be causing this? Could it be some issue with neutral bonding down the line? I have the multiplus ground relay disabled and the Earth/Ground relay wire connected from my Multiplus to Autotransformer.

Would really appreciate any help!


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Try another meter. Some meters are the wrong type.

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hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear answered ·

Well if you want to have a good laugh, it turns out my Multimeter was faulty. When things don't make sense...go question the source. Glad I had two with me. Moving on...

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