
ilia-mynka avatar image
ilia-mynka asked

Orion bluetooth not being detected

So I just purchased an Orion Tr 12-12 30A for our new conversion. As per instructions I connected it to the battery and the Bluetooth light started blinking at about 5 second intervals. However neither my Android phone nor my Windows laptop detects the device via Victron Connect. I then went into bluetooth devices manually, and on both devices I can detect the Orion and pair with it (strangely I need 0000 as the password on phone and 00000000 as password on windows). If I manually connect, the light starts blinking once per second, but still the Victron Connect app shows no devices when I search for them. Any advice much appreciated.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Ilia Mynka

VictronConnect on windows is not able to use bluetooth and only works with VE.Direct USB cables, so that the Windows VictronConnect does not show the Orion is not strange.

Regarding Android: Did you provide location permission to VictronConnect and is the location service (GPS) enabled on the phone?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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ilia-mynka avatar image ilia-mynka commented ·
Thanks so much for your swift reply. Yes I had both enable, but decided to dig deeper into App Permissions, and there were some miscellaneous ones related to Bluetooth device control and Storage persmissions which I enabled and I managed to get it working correctly. Thanks for your support!
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