
gertjand avatar image
gertjand asked

Low battery & dc ripple warnings

Hi All,

First of all, its great that I can ask stuff like this overhere and people are spending time on other peoples problems. Thanks!

On my boat I get lots of dc ripple and low battery warnings.

It is definitely not under the load of the inverters but on dc loads (winches). I have 4 x 200 ah lithium and 3 x mutliplus 12 / 3000 paralel. (For airco's and ac net etc). It was a 12 volt setup with dc generator so when upgrading to lithium a swapped the batteries, cables, inverters etc I did not move to 24v because of the rest of the system).

My thought was that dc ripples are reported by the multiplus under load with maybe wiring issues (e.g. different lengths) but they happen when there is nothing going on on the ac side.

so in the reporting I can see dc amps drawn at about 120A / 200A, nothing happening with inverting, connected to the grid (happens while disconnected as well). Voltage does drop a little under high dc load. System overview voltage(?) drops to 12,7v while ve.bus voltage stays above 13.

Any suggestion or directions to look into?

Below is the tabel from vrm

dc system
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The ac wiring can also cause an issue. Are they oversized? Do they also have the same lengths?

The battery voltage won't be read correctly that is one of the side effects of dc ripple.

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gertjand avatar image
gertjand answered ·

Hi Alexandra,

Thanks for your reply. I will look into the ac wiring. It’s all 2,5mm2 flex cable going to a fusebox. I’ll check.

By voltage reading you mean that in the logs the readings are not correct when a ripple occurs? I have to login with laptop to multiplus to see it I think?


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The ripple amount can be seen using ve config and an mk3. There will be no accurate reading on the dc when ripple occurs. It can be verified with a meter.

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