
Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image
Vangelis Beligiannis asked

Multiplus II 48/8000 compliance with EN 50549 and (EU) 2016/631 (NC RfG)

I am about to officially connect to the Greek public grid the FIRST ESS system in GREECE.

It consist of 3 Multiplus II 48/8000 inverters and a BYD lithium battery.

The public grid company demands that the inverter complies with the EN 50549 and (EU) 2016/631 (NC RfG).
I asked the Victron dealer and further more the Victron Support Manager of my area for the Certificate and I received an official answer that Victron does not have the certificate, and does not know when they will have it.

This is a big problem for me. The installation is complete, the client has paid for it a lot of money!

And it cannot be connected!

I would like to ask for help from any member of the Victron stuff. Please respond.

@mvader (Victron Energy) img-20220212-170358.jpg

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6 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

If stuck use a Tele NA3 grid control relay which will have the latest grid codes for grid connections etc.

As we have the same problem in New Zealand, by using this relay will get you around the new grid regulations.


Rob D


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cruisey1987 avatar image
cruisey1987 answered ·

Has there been any updates on this? I would like to get an 8kVA Multiplus II for my home in Ireland but it needs to be certified before I can connect to the grid

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johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

Re the thread below, the Multiplus II is not grid compliant in the UK "due to important information being either incorrect or missing altogether" (from the forms submitted to ENA by Victron)

It seems that one problem is meeting new LFSM-O standards. Victron say:

"Victron is working hard to get this fixed, but it's not easy.
Unfortunately I don't have any forecasts."

I'd be v interested to hear if @Rob Duthie suggestion has any mileage in the UK

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pkorkas avatar image
pkorkas answered ·

the annex H of the standard EN 50549-1:2019 include rfg requirements. So you have to download 50549-1:2019 certificate from victron site and your problem will resolved!!!

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bad avatar image
bad answered ·
you are right, but in addition to the 50549-1:2019 Certificate, you also need a document confirming that Victron submitted a specific device for NC-RfG certification. Question for Victron: can you provide such confirmations in the download section?
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johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

To clarify this for the UK market - it's not true that if Victron produce a certificate then the device is compliant. Fortunately, here in the UK we have a regulatory body which lists devices which have been deemed compliant. It is then up to the regional grid distributor (the DNO) to decide which devices can be connected to their network.

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cruisey1987 avatar image cruisey1987 commented ·
But all the questions so far have been for EU markets, not UK

In Ireland for example a grid tied inverter should be compliant to EN 50549, but the cert for the bigger multiplus doesn't seem to exist

Is Victron only intending the bigger Multiplus to be used for off grid applications?

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johnone avatar image johnone cruisey1987 commented ·

Hi @cruisey1987,

re where the comments are about (UK or not) isn't the point here to learn from each other? For example, one common issue on here is the misconception that if Victron issue a certificate of compliance then that's all that is needed.

In reality, countries have their own compliance mechanisms which typically assess manufacturers' certificates against relevant standards and then issue compliance notices if they pass. ENA do that in the UK - do you know the compliance body in Ireland? That might be a good place to start. For example, does EirGrid or SEIA list Victron devices (if they are the appropriate orgs)?

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