Maybe I interpret something completely wrong or there is room for improvement with AC input 1 ignore.
- Venus GX V2.84
- MultiPlus Compact 12/800/35-16 product id 2603 firmware 492
- BMV-712 Smart V4.08
- SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/35 V1.59
- LiFePO4 Battery 12,8V/1601h Smart
- VE.Bus BMS
- VE.BUS Smart dongle
- Solar panel (3) 175W-12V Mono (serial connection)
With LiFePO it is recommended to configure ESS with Battery Life. I want to feed in the grid my excess DC PV power. Also I want to ignore the AC input except on load (>750W), low voltage (<12,80V) or low SOC (<30%). Also disconnect the AC input after Absorption.
Why the AC input 1 ignore, because he drains the load from the grid and keep the battery at 100%.
The issue I have is that due to the AC input ignore, the grid feed in does not work.
I noticed this yesterday as overnight the battery has been charged fully (SOC <30%) but in the daytime there was plenty of sun but no feed-in. PV production showed approx 30W (sum of the idle consumptions). When I deactivated the AC ignore, the MPPT shoots to 180W.
So my best guess, there is room for improvement on the parameters of the AC input ignore namely, "connect on PV solar excess". I assume that if DC-Coupled PV – feed in excess can be detected, it can trigger the flow based decisions.
But as mentioned in the intro, maybe i'm completely wrong, and otherwise free to suggest a work around that manages to respond to my brainteaser.
Have a nice day, Philippe
Victron and the community, thanks for the good job.