
mpasek avatar image
mpasek asked

Isolated or non-isolated Orion charger question for my 5th wheel

Looking for some help to unravel my confusion. I am looking to add an Orion-TR Smart 24/12-30 charger to my Grand Design 5th wheeler (tow unit is an F-350).

Can I use the non-isolated version and run just a single cable from my truck's positive back to the Orion charger in the 5th wheel? Or do I need the isolated version and run both + and - from the truck?


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @mpasek

it depends. If the battery of your truck and the battery of your 5th wheel share a common ground (minus), then the non-isolated version will do. In case they don't have a common ground, then you'll need the isolated Orion-Tr smart.

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mpasek avatar image mpasek commented ·
Hi Stephanie,

So a shared ground as in the ground pin on the 7 way connector?


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hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

If I was you, I would go with the isolated version, and run both Positive and Negative to your haul truck. If you go with the non-isolated version, you're depending on the rinky-dink connector that does your lighting to bond the 5th wheel chassis to your truck (or worse yet, the hitch). The isolated, on the other hand, has a dedicated path for that negative, which solves a lot of issues.

Furthermore, if you setup the cable properly (well, make it long enough), you could charge your 5th wheel with your vehicle parked beside the 5th wheel, rather than having to hook it up all the way.

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aiellost avatar image aiellost commented ·
HJ, I'm looking for an answer to the same question. we know the #16 used to bond the trailer to the truck DC system is inadequate for 30a charging. But will that cause an unwanted ground LOOP, (ie) parallel grounds #6 and #16. I would think Victron would bench test and advise.

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