
tonithiele avatar image
tonithiele asked

Current direction EM24 Ethernet


i want to use a EM24 Ethernet to measure the current in 3-phase AC-system.

Can the EM24 measure both directions? ... Becasue in the datasheet the minimum current value is 0A. But the type of transmitted field in a integer with both positiv and negative values.

What's correct?

By Toni

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1 Answer
Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

I have an EM24 set up as a grid meter in multiphase.

I am interested in power values and directions, but this may apply to currents as well.

I found that in VRM, the remote console only reported forward energy. I couldn't see my exports.

However, on the VRM dashboard, the "live" power (kW) was reported both forward and reverse.

I wanted to see reverse energy (kWh) though.

The per-phase values are available through the new Beta custom widget. Unfortunately, the total energy forward and reverse (although available to select) do not work yet.

The way I was able to see these values was by installing the Venus large operating system with node-red and creating a Dashboard.


This gave me a dashboard like this:


I am no Node-Red whizzkid, I just fumbled through it. These are the default format of values and this is an auto-generated dashboard and I don't even know how to manipulate either.

I hope this helps.

PS. If someone knows how to truncate a value in Node-Red, I'd be grateful.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485