
wandering-parakeet avatar image
wandering-parakeet asked

Circuit breakers or fuses? Where to put protection between battery and inverter?

I have two Battle Born 100AH lithium batteries that I plan to charge with a BlueSolar 100/300 solar controller and Orion 18A DC charger. I know that I have to put protection on either side of the BlueSolar and Orion.

1) Should I use circuit breakers or fuses? Any recommendations one way or the other? If I use fuses, should they be ANL, or are there other choices? I've read that I should steer clear of "audio" ANL fuses.

2) I also plan to have a Progressive Dynamics AC/DC power center, as well as a cheap inverter. I plan to put each power source (AC/DC, BlueSolar, Orion) on individual switches, and tie the switched outputs together. It is my understanding that I should have a fuse or circuit breaker between the lithium batteries and the inverter. Should I put attach this fuse/CB directly to the battery (before the chargers), or directly to the inverter (after the chargers)? Please see the picture, if you like pictures.


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wandering-parakeet avatar image wandering-parakeet commented ·
Sorry, the left-most arrow should point to the 80A fuse, not the switch!
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I recommend fuses, we mostly use Mega-Fuses.

A fuse protects the wiring not the devices and should be as close as possible to the power supply (battery)

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wandering-parakeet avatar image wandering-parakeet commented ·

Thanks for the tip about Mega-Fuses. Thanks also for the advice about where to place the fuse... it's easy to remember!

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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