
skabalavayi avatar image
skabalavayi asked

Quattro 24/3000/70 control with VE.Bus to VE.CAN

I am using Victron Quattro 24V/3000 and Lynx ion BMS 400A. I would like to know that is it possible to control Victron Quattro with VE.Bus to VE.CAN interface?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

No, VE.Bus to VE.Can interface was only for use with the older VE.Can MPPT controllers.
That interface has no use now because the Venus device (CerboGX, CCGX etc.) now performs that role and also those older MPPT controllers are deprecated now.
The VE.Bus to VE.Can interface has no practical use anymore so you should not buy one.

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skabalavayi avatar image skabalavayi commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

We would like to read the data from Quattro 24/3000/70 without CCGX device. Is it possible?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ skabalavayi commented ·

Not easily. There is a document entitled "interfacing with VE.Bus products" you can downloads from the technical documents section:

But, you would be on your own to figure this all out.
Much easier is to use a Venus device, you could even use a RaspberryPi to run VenusOS if your budget is strict.

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