
jens-due avatar image
jens-due asked

V2G - Vehicle to GRID compatibility of Victron ESS system


Would it be a good idea if Victron made a V2G box for electric cars, which together with a Cerbo GX can charge from the sun during the day and discharge to the house in the evening.

Is that something you're working on Victron?

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3 Answers
michiel-boer avatar image
michiel-boer answered ·

Hi Jens!

I have exactly this question. I would love to be able to DC -DC connect a Victron EV charger that will work Bi-directional. I am working on a 3-phase set-up with a relatively small Battery. Being able to optimize my solar self-consumption using an EV would be very nice.

Now we are on the topic of self-consumption: @Victron, can we expect GX logic to manage Heatpumpboilers etc in the future? or is there already a way to " burn-off" excess solar in a usefull way in a domestic setting?

any Ideas suggestions?

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pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

They have be working on an EV charger:

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seagull avatar image
seagull answered ·

Same question here, but no reaction form Victron ...

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