I have the above inverter, and I am wanting to power a 2.5Kw (max draw) water heater for making cups of tea! Currently I have three 105Amp batteries connected. Am I correct in saying I would need 400Amp total to get to 3Kw of power needed? If so, and I added another batter (105Amp), would the inverter like that as I would be over the 400Amps? (315 + 105 = 420 Amps).
Also, is there a way to get a bit more power from the inverter, as I'm also looking at possibly getting a 3Kw water heater instead.
Multiplus check this:https://www.victronenergy.com/inverters-chargers/multiplus-12v-24v-48v-800va-3kvahenashow
Note to self - buy a 5Kw inverter next time.