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round-extra asked

Victron Energy Multi Plus Inverter (3000) - max power needed

I have the above inverter, and I am wanting to power a 2.5Kw (max draw) water heater for making cups of tea! Currently I have three 105Amp batteries connected. Am I correct in saying I would need 400Amp total to get to 3Kw of power needed? If so, and I added another batter (105Amp), would the inverter like that as I would be over the 400Amps? (315 + 105 = 420 Amps).

Also, is there a way to get a bit more power from the inverter, as I'm also looking at possibly getting a 3Kw water heater instead.

Multiplus check this:

Note to self - buy a 5Kw inverter next time.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

It might be more cost effective to use a lower powered "kettle" to boil your water for your cuppa.

I have a truly antique Birko that will boil 800ml of water in 5 mins while drawing 700w.

2 |3000

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The inverter is also 3kVA or in more meaningful terms, 2400W, so you need to upgrade or parallel inverters.

(performance is based at 25C, as you get warmer the output drops further)

2 |3000

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