I have a Multiplus ii GX
Initial setup use wired lan to configure the unit onto my WIFI network and disable wifi AP
The unit has a wifi ip from the DHCP server and has internet conectivity and VRM access.
The remote console became unavailable both on local lan and via VRM
in vrm device list the GW shows:
- Product = MultiPlus-II GX
- Firmware version = v2.51
- Remote on LAN = ""
- Firmware updates Automatically checks for updates to official release
- Last connection 17 minutes ago
- Logging interval 15 minutes
- Last power up or restart 2022-03-14 07:05 (1 hour, 21 minutes ago)
- Remote Console on VRM = Enabled but not online
- Two way communication = Disabled
- Remote support = Disabled
should remote on lan not be the local IP like ?
When I open remote console it fails:
f i use the mobile app i only have the option of vrm , the remote connect option is not shown
Is there a way to do a factory reset of get console up and running?