
jussi avatar image
jussi asked

PV inverter

Have 44x320W panels and 15kW pv inventer, I like to know victron devices I need for connection of 10 KW batteries on AC side

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is in the ESS manual - the Rule is 1:1 for sizing, depending on which side of the Victron the PV inverter is installed.

On the AC side - which side do you mean on the AC out of the PV or the AC in of the PV?

What is the purpose of the battery backup in the system?

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jussi avatar image
jussi answered ·

Hi, our inverter now is capable production 100% to grid or split for own use, now to connect battery is ment to be after inverter towards grid, on a sunny day our production is about 80 kW. with battery installed we hope to be of grid for some time of the day and and night

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