
drew avatar image
drew asked

BatteryProtect BP-100, how to find existing setting

My BP-100 is not smart, so no app. I know from the instruction manual to connect PROG pin to ground. But then it says the display will step through the shutdown and restart voltages. It is not explicit that it will first show an existing setting if one exists. My BP was installed by the trade but I don't know if it was left at default settings (if that option exists) or programmed. I'm keen to know existing settings and don't want to delete them. Is there a way to proceed with the PROG connection that ensures this? Thanks for your interest and help.

Battery Protect
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I you connect PROG to GND for very short (less then a second) it should show you the current setup.

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drew avatar image
drew answered ·

Thanks for the speedy answer. I'm a little spooked there isn't a more reliable way of checking the existing setting. Also interested to know if there is a default setting if the installer didn't programme? Or does it have to be programmed to start it working?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

There is only the one PROG pin how can there be any other way to just check the setting?

The default setting is 0 A

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drew avatar image drew Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I've now tried your suggestion and it works perfectly, so thank you for the additional comment. The setting is 0A but not clear if that is default or an intentional setting. Is that setting suitable for EFB batteries?
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