
ruburn avatar image
ruburn asked

MultiPlus II 48/5000 minimum number of batteries

I understand that the minimum recommended number of US2000 batteries is 4, but I just wanted to check that I'm OK to start off with just one of them and then increase the number over time?

I'm only planning on using the inverter with a small number of PV panels and a limited load to start with and then increase the number of panels and the AC load over time and will add more batteries to provide the required runtime.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The system will work with just one battery module, but it is very risky. I would not recommend to do that.
You have to be 100% certain that the battery is not overloaded. Make sure nobody inadvertedly switches a kettle or a cooker on by accident and causes the battery current to be exceeded.
Much safer and better to design the system correctly from day 1. Gather your components together and then assemble when you have all necessary parts needed to perform a proper installation.

2 |3000

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ruburn avatar image ruburn commented ·
Thanks for the confirmation, I'm only powering a couple of devices initially and I know how much current they draw, so sounds as though I should be OK if I'm very careful :-)
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ruburn avatar image ruburn commented ·
Thinking about what you said again, surely there will be settings in the Inverter (and BMS) to switch off if the load/current is too much and/or the battery is getting close to empty?
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ ruburn commented ·
The battery would most likely employ its own protection mechanisms and shut its self down.

But, why rely on your safety backstops? Better to have the system operate within the safety parameters than to risk engaging them. It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ ruburn commented ·

There are settings that can limit output.

If you are grid-tied, you would use the ESS assistant, you can then limit inverter output via the GX.

You could get away with around 1500W AC loads on one pack, give or take.

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