
wesley-corbet avatar image
wesley-corbet asked

AS4777:2020 Approval

Hi Victron,

I am quoting a 60KW on-grid ESS for a high end house in Australia. I would like to use 6 x Multiplus II 48/10000 inverter/chargers and 5 x 450/200 solar chargers. The chargers are now CEC approved which takes care of the STC creation, however the inverters also need to be CEC approved to enable connection to the local grid.

Could you please provide an update as to when the Multiplus II's will be on the CEC approved inverter list?

Due to the uncertainty, I have been turning jobs away using Victron equipment since Nov/Dec last year, hoping there is some certainty around CEC approval dates now we are a further few months down the track.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·
To get around it use a Grid protect relay like a Tele NA003 this is approved.


Rob D


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6 Answers
David avatar image
David answered ·

This has been asked before, it’s not going to happen apparently.

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wesley-corbet avatar image
wesley-corbet answered ·

Hi Rob and David,

Thanks for taking your time to reply.

Rob, unfortunately I have already attempted an on-grid installation using non-CEC approved inverters with approved grid protection relay, our distributor replied with this "unless CEC approved inverters are installed, the system will not be approved regardless if approved external grid protection relays are installed". One of the new requirements of AS4777.2:2020 is 'Low Voltage Ride Through', this is one of the aspects that inverter manufacturers are struggling to comply with and the addition of a grid protection relay certainly cannot perform this task if the inverter cannot.

David, Victron released a letter to the Australian market December, 2021 stating they are seeking CEC approval of the Multiplus II range under Appendix M of the new standard and due to high demand upon testing houses, were expecting a positive outcome in Q1, 2022.

The end of Q1, 2022 is fast approaching and the only people aware of what is going on with the CEC approval is Victron, hence why I directed my question to them.

Victron, can you please provide an update.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

That's is the whole point of the protection relays to take place of the inverters protection system if it can't meet the requiremets of 4777-2020.

Also the 10kw mulitplus 2 can't be used on grid systems as its not appoved anyway like the 5kw models which still are. The 10kw can't be parallel or used in 3 phase systems anyway as per victrons information sheet, unlike the 5kw which can.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
10kVA can be used in 3-phase setups, just not parallel.
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nick-k avatar image
nick-k answered ·

I am also keen to understand whether the Multiplus 2 will be AS4777:2020 approved as I'd like to use one in an on-grid ESS situation.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Hi believe not only way is to use a grid relay protection unit like a Tele NA003.

To make it compliant to the grid rules.

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bipedalprimate avatar image
bipedalprimate answered ·

Please see response back from the CEC to Victron in relation to their application for grid connect :

AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 was written/developed with a new clause/Appendix for stand-alone inverters that can connect to the grid and draw power from the grid and but not export.

The CEC listing offers 2 options for:

  • Stand-alone inverter with grid input
  • Stand-alone inverter with generator input

To qualify for the Stand-alone inverter with grid input – the inverter needs to be certified to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Appendix M which was specifically written for stand alone inverter with ac grid input. Otherwise if the inverter has not been certified to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Appendix M, then the inverter is approved as stand-alone inverter with generator input, in which the AC input port should only be connected to a generator and not the grid.

Manufacturers are allowed to choose which of the 2 categories they would like the inverter to be approved as long as the correct certification documents are submitted during the application process.

If Victron does not wish to have the stand-alone inverters certified to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020, Victron can select the Stand-alone inverter with generator input - this will require an appropriate statement advising that for AU market for fixed household energy storage installations, the AC input port cannot be connected to the grid and only to an generator.

Please note that in Australia, the compliance of inverters to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 is monitored by the CEC with our product compliance and testing program, Grid Operators that the inverters connect to, AEMO - the Australia Energy Market Operator, and Electrical Safety Regulators (who have inspectors to carry out site inspections).

Kind Regards,

An additional comment from my local Victron distributor is: "Victron is not tested to AS4777.2.2020 Appendix M and it is highly unlikely that they will be."

Conclusion is that Victron have made a marketing decision to not compete in the Australian Grid Tied ESS market.

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