
martin-waffel avatar image
martin-waffel asked

ESS assistant not found after switch off / on


yesterday I installed my Multiplus GX and programmed it accordingly. By mistake I run it on charger only mode so no battery was consumed in evening hours. I switched to Mode "I" by the mechanical switch, but now the ESS module is empty. I tried all I can do by reloading to Multiplus via MK3 interface but I cannot make it appear again.

Anyone faced this issues before and can help me?



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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Try reinstalled the firmware or upgrade it to the latest version of firmware - this will reset everything to factory default - then reinstalled ess assistant and redo your settings.

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jtynan avatar image
jtynan answered ·

also make sure The ESS test has passed . 1646555808629.png

1646555808629.png (30.6 KiB)
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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Are you sure you actually installed the ESS Assistant in the Multiplus?

One mandatory requirement for ESS is to set a country code for Multiplus (by default this is set to "None" and can only be changed once; after that you need a password to change it again; so choose carefully).

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
Good Point
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martin-waffel avatar image
martin-waffel answered ·

ESS is back. I powered it off last evening and not powered on again to check your suggestions. Tada... ESS is available. Maybe I did a different sequence in powering on batteries & inverter but anyhow it seems to work ;-)


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