
JONI RAVAI avatar image

Multiples shows unsupported firmware version after update to 4.90version.

Multiples shows unsupported firmware version after update to 4.90version. Cannot access settings because message keeps showing unsupported firmware version. After a few reinstallation of victron connect app, settings still cannot be accessed. What can be done?

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What VictronConnect version do you have?

The latest version is 5.56 and the latest VE.bus firmware is 494.

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JONI RAVAI avatar image
JONI RAVAI answered ·

Hi Matthias Lange

I have Victron Connect App version 5.56. I have been trying to change the firmware from 490 to 494 but couldn't access the setting to update firmware. Message "Unsupported firmware version" keeps showing up. I have uninstalled the app and reinstall for a couple of times but still was not able to access the setting or change firmware to latest version 494.

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