
holgi avatar image
holgi asked

Phoenix Smart IP43 1+1 - Mixed battery setup

Hello community,

neither studying the reference schematics nor scanning through the forum threads I found an answer to my (relatively simple) question: In a setup with LiFePO4 bord battery and Pb starter battery, I intend to load both banks with AC shore input as well as from the alternator. My approach is the following:

image1.jpgDoes this work (take note of the orange connection) or do I necessarily need a separate small second charger for the starter battery as shown in the example schematics (Victron Reference Schematics PDF)?

TIA and best,


image1.jpg (95.7 KiB)
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Holgi,

as long as both batteries share the same ground I don't see why this shouldn't be possible.

But be aware that the outputs all rely on the same battery charge algorithm, which probably will be the one for your LiFePo4. But good enough for a starter battery.

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holgi avatar image
holgi answered ·

Thanks @Stefanie

I wasn‘t sure whether the internals of the Phoenix charger on the one hand and the „reduced voltage“ at the trickle out on the other hand would cause any implications.

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Welcome Holgi.

The only interesting voltage here is absorption voltage, which for a Lithium is somewhere around 14.20V up to 14.40V, a typical lead acid battery 14.40V up to 14.80V.

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