
francesco-marzulli avatar image
francesco-marzulli asked

Multiplus II - Quattro: do they have the CEI 0-21 certification for ESS in Italy?

I have read this question:

Almost three years have passed : has anything changed in the meantime with the updated firmware of Victron devices?

Multipluss II-Quattro: do they have the CEI 0-21 certification for ESS in Italy?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

You can find the current certificates for various products here or under the products section on the Victron website If you have a body that oversees the certification they may have information in the event that the Victron website has not been updated. I suspect the pandemic has not helped things along over the past two years either.

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francesco-marzulli avatar image francesco-marzulli commented ·

Thanks, @ejrossouw. I found the CEI 0-21 certification only for Multiplus and not for Multiplus II and Quattro.

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markus avatar image
markus answered ·


See here:

There is a certification in combination with that box. Ask your local dealer for necessary certificates.
Best Regards.

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francesco-marzulli avatar image francesco-marzulli commented ·
Thanks, @Markus
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