
seacandy avatar image
seacandy asked

712 Smart monitor install

I have two AGM batteries wired in parallel, they are used to crank the port engine as well as run the house lights etc when the generator is not running. Should I treat and wire install like one battery like ex 10 in the quick start guide sense it’s in parallel or would it be best to wire like step 11 in the quick install guide? 95ebb45b-22aa-48ee-a34c-8ade89480f66.jpeg

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


They are connected together so they are "one battery". even though they have multiple uses. So use step 10, most negative and most positive connections. Make sure all current draws are on the load side of the shunt, even cranking if you really want accurate SOC. Is basically becomes your new negative terminal or connection not the battery.

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seacandy avatar image seacandy commented ·
Thanks for the reply! Another question I am not sure about, on my external charger which is attached to the lower positive terminal in the pic does that remain in place? Seems I have seen photos where the charger is hooked to the shunt. I guess the ground for the charger is grounded to the main ground buss on the boat. The charge also has another positive line going to another bank of batteries that crank only the starboard side. Which I didn't plan on monitoring but I may could? Wiring is new to me! Thanks for the help!
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ seacandy commented ·

These shunts are for load on the negative side only. The thin red wire to the positive is for voltage measurement.

If you have another battery bank that shares a negative connection to this bank, you can use a second wire to monitor that voltage through this 712.712 will label the second bank as starter battery.

Also check the cranking current. You don't want to exceed the cabling or shunt rating.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ seacandy commented ·

All sources of charge and discharge are conncted to the shunt on the load side. It is marked. Battery positive connections can remain in place.

@kevgermany has some good advice there .

The 712 can monitor either the midpoint of your current bank (setup on step 12) or a second bank as shown in setup 11 in the quick install. (Where your 2x12v is represented by the victron battery)


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