
Wayne avatar image
Wayne asked

VRM not displaying Energy Meter data

A customer has a motorhome system comprising of an Easy Solar 12/1600-70, Lynx shunt, multiple MPPT's, Cerbo GX.

He is running DC loads as well as AC loads. We have had a historical issue of the VRM not displaying the DC consumption in the Historical Data in the VRM.

Have installed a SmartShunt configured as an energy meter, have left the inverter charger connected directly to the Lynx shunt and have all the DC loads through the energy meter.

In the VRM we can see the energy meter in the device list, but it is not visible in the, but it is not displayed in the Advanced tab.

Was realy hoping this might have given us the historical DC consumption.

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rotevery avatar image rotevery commented ·

Any answers to this question yet? Mine is visible in the advanced tab but not in the main VRM display. I want it to show on the main VRM display.

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