
chadwillson avatar image
chadwillson asked

Two multiplus 3000 charging 6 battle born 100ah lithium batteries


I have an RV with 6 Battle Born 100ah batteries. They are currently changed through solar charge and a multiplus when connected to shore power or the 30 amp generator.

My question is how do I use both my multiplus's to change the batteries? The reason I'm thinking about doing this is currently one multiplus only charges them at about 1400 watts. The generator specifically could handle more than double that so that I would only have the run the generator half as much to change the batteries.

Let me know your ideas, if this is possible and most importantly is it ok to change the batteries at about 3000 watts.

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


How are the multis connected? Are you in split phase? How is the generator connected?

It is possible to increase the charge current on one mutli under the grid tab. This does depend on a few things though. Like what model you have? What voltage your system is? Maybe the knowing the installers reason for keeping the charge current lower? The batteries are theoretically able to handle it, depending on how they have been connected.

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