
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

CVL CCL DCL BMS control on FW2.82

Just for clarification I see that the CVL,CCL,DCL also works via the USB cable when connected to the 123smart BMS and not just CANBUS - Very Nice (123smartBMS USB adapter with 1.2~1 Fw for the usb adapter being used on the cerbo) with DVCC on

My question IS when you have 2 or 3 batteries with 2 or 3 separate 123smart BMS units using CVL,CCL.DCL that are all connected by USB to the same cerbo/GX unit (with DVCC on)

and all 3 units are showing up as a battery monitor on the cerbo and all 3 show the correct parameters under there settings for each of the said battery, how do you prioritize which one is going to be notice if a high CCL or DCL is given or LOW V-Min or high V-Max is received from any BMS unit.

or as I hope is the case - then the cerbo system will automatically accept information from which ever one sends a say V-Low etc and thus charging is turned off or load is turn off until that one BMS clears the issue - and if multi BMS units show say a V-Low Cell then loads are off untill all V-Lows are cleared. I am hoping that NO conflict will occur and if it does how would one remedy the conflict issue,

I have tested this today on my Home system and it works great - but I can see the above happening from time to time,

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Whichever BMS has been selected (manually or automatically) in the GX "system setup" tab will be used, system should ignore the rest.

The environment, by default, can only cope with one BMS.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Thanks nickdb for the reply

I dont think thats the case as I have the BMV 712 selected as the battery monitor. and the 123smart BMS is not selected and the BMS does still work - that being said at my home test site I only have one 123smartBMS connected. and there is NOT a selection there to select a individual BMS

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Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

It is the responsibility of the battery system to handle multiple banks in the GX.

So if you set a master battery and the rest connect to them the master will combine the information and give one battery to the GX with any alarms, settings, etc for the combined battery.

If however you only have 3 batteries connected individually, the one will publish and override anything from the previous battery.

To get an answer, you will have to ask the 123smart BMS guys how they implement it (you can read their code in github as well). I suspect it only support 1 and will override the others but I ddi not confirm that from their code.

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Sebastiaan Adamo avatar image Sebastiaan Adamo commented ·
That is correct. The code was first acting like a battery monitor, purely made for customers to see the BMS info on VRM and their console. The latest code has support for active control (CVL/CCL/DCL), but only one at a time.

We are working on adding support for master/slave support, so you are able to plug in multiple 123\SmartBMS and one instance will automatically act as master.

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