
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

V-Sense wiring in 3 phase System

im Using 3phase Victron MPII 48/8000.

I cant find in the documentation the information about wiring V-sense.
Is it neccesary to wire all Victron v-sense ore is it ok to wire the vsense of L1 Multiplus (Master) only?

thanks already:)

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Connect vsense to the master unit only.

  • All units must be daisy chained with the VE.Bus cable (RJ-45 cat5). The sequence for this is not important. Do not use terminators in the VE.Bus network.
  • The temperature sensor can be wired to any unit in the system. For a large battery bank it is possible to wire multiple temperature sensors. The system will use the one with the highest temperature to determine the temperature compensation.
  • Wire the voltage sense on the master of L1.
    (If the system has more than 1 AC input, connect it to the Master corresponding to the first AC input.)

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