
jordanb avatar image
jordanb asked

Can the 12.8V LFP batteries be mounted on their sides?

I've seen this question about mounting lithium batteries on their sides - but I don't know what "Lithium HE" batteries are, though he specifically says they are not the same as the 12.8 LFP range.

If possible put them up right; thats what they've been engineered for. But can be done on their side. Note that this is not for the 12.8V LFP battery ranges. Only the Lithium HE batteries.

How does this relate to this battery (link below) - the 12.8-330Ah Smart battery. No good on their side? It would give me enough space to mount 3 instead of 2, based on the measurements I see, appx. 8.1" wide and 10.4" high (if you don't mind me using American measures instead of mm).

This: (,8V-330Ah-Smart.pdf) - I have not found anything about side mounting either for or against, but perhaps I missed it? Is there some official white paper on this topic which explains this? Thanks!

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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jordanb avatar image jordanb commented ·
Thanks for that reference. Wish I knew why, but it seems pretty definitive language, so...
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ jordanb commented ·
There is electrolyte inside the cells, and they have only been thoroughly tested in the upright orientation.

When dealing with cost and consequences of battery issues, it is far safer to stay within the known tested parameters.
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jordanb avatar image jordanb Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
I see - about the electrolyte. I had assumed the prismatic cells were basically dry on the inside. Good to know!

And yes, always best to follow mfg instructions. I will find a way to mount the 3rd battery somehow, upright as directed. Thanks.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Putting LFP prismatic cells on their sides carries a risk of electrolyte starvation, which carries substantial penalties to internal resistance, capacity and longevity.

Prismatic cells also have a safety vent. If cells are on their sides, there is a risk of venting liquid electrolyte. It is NASTY stuff.

Many can be placed on EITHER the long side or the short side - NEVER BOTH. Placing a cell/battery on its side depends on the manufacturer's cell construction AND the battery builder's orientation of cells within the pack.

ALL cells are designed/constructed to work optimally with the vents and terminals up.

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