I have a Iveco Daily Euro5+ van with a smart alternator. I am using 2 x 30A Orion (non-isolated) to charge 2 x 200aH Victron lithium batteries… Or rather I am failing to charge the batteries.
The issue seems to be that the starter battery voltage goes very low for significant periods of time while the engine is running. Starter often sits at about 12v for several minutes and then occasionally goes up as far as 14v. End result is that the Orion seems to think that the engine is in shutdown mode the majority of the time and is completely useless for charging the batteries.
I used to have a Sterling 60A B2B charger that worked flawlessly (although it died due to the cooling fan getting dust in it and halting the fan) I had assumed that the Victron beasts would be at least as effective as the Sterling and not have the cooling fan issue.
I have already set Input lockout down to 11.8v off and 12.2v on….. makes little difference as the alternator is down at 12 v for longer than a minute and then the engine shutdown detection kicks in. If I change the engine shutdown too low then it simply won‘t detect a real shutdown.
Any suggestions? Is there a way to change the engine shutdown from a 1 minute timer to a 5 minute timer or some other solution?
At the moment I consider the Orions to be an expensive mistake.