If I implement the Current Transformer (CT) recommended for the MulitPlus 2 and install it at the Grid interface point. What is the maximum cable distance?
I looked up the specification for the Current Transformer YHDC.com SCT013 100A:50ma shows this CT model is terminated at the measuring interface in a 10-ohm resistor to achieve a 1% accuracy. Another poster measured the MulitPlus 2 input resistance at 40ohms, I'm yet to confirm this.
With such a low impedance required for the CT would indicate the wiring Extention could be very limiting or the cable size (mm2) would need to be increased.
What is the recommended loop resistance of the CT wiring to keep the calibration of the CT in the Victron implementation?
Can the CT be calibrated in software?
Or has anyone else successfully increased the CT wiring over any distance?
Thanks in advance for any info.