
blueskyjim avatar image
blueskyjim asked

Bluetooth connection No Devices Found

Hi I have a Victron IP65 Blue smart charger. I have downloaded the Victron Connect App. Bluetooth is on and I am next to the charger. But no devices can be found when I search on the Local Device List. Is there something else I need to do beforehand?

I have just bought the van and have not tried to connect before using any other device.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Not usually. As long as you have not paired using the phone rather than the app.

There are some troubleshooting tips although you have covered a few of them naturally anyway.

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blueskyjim avatar image
blueskyjim answered ·

Thank you - I have gone through all these troubleshooting issues. I have restarted my phone properly, the device doesn't appear on my Bluetooth list so I can't delete it, I have a compatible phone (s10), I'm near the device, I have the correct software on my phone ....

Still I the app says it cannot find the device.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I see from the app's reviews that it seems quite buggy in this regard.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Were you sure to grant access to location services when installing the app? If you don't allow it access to location services, it can't scan for nearby devices... this is the most common error we see, as the app itself is closer to flawless in operation than most other apps on my phone...

Also... stupid question, perhaps, but do you have the charger plugged into live AC and the charger is powered on? I know some users have expected that the BT module is powered from the DC side, but this is not the case - the charger must be plugged in and powered up before the BT becomes active.

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storm avatar image storm commented ·
Really? So you are saying that bluetooth needs an a/c input to work?
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ storm commented ·

Yes, with just the battery connected the charger won't turn on and won't activate the Bluetooth. You can't use the charger to measure the voltage of the battery.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ storm commented ·
@sailalibi yes, if the BT module and control board was powered from the DC side then the charger would be discharging your battery any time it wasn't plugged in, which would be quite counterproductive.
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