
vins10030 avatar image
vins10030 asked

100/30 controller bulk flashing, marking 0,01V with panels connected and without panels connected.

Just installed my new 100/30, bulk is flashing, and marking 0,01V ...

Panels are ok, 2x 12v 100w, about 10A less or more, wiring is ok, polarities are ok...


MPPT Controllers
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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·
What does a DC voltmeter report when measuring at the PV input terminals of the MPPT?
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1 Answer
offroadflow avatar image
offroadflow answered ·

Bulk flashing means standby.

Needs to be on constantly to show that it´s charging...
Looks like you have a wiring/connection problem.

Take a multimeter and measure on the input pins of the regulator.
I reckon there´s no power coming in.....

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