
parmleybequia avatar image
parmleybequia asked

The state of charge does not show up on my cerbo GX, have a smart shunt , and 2 multi plus, 2 solar controls

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Wayne avatar image
Wayne answered ·

@Parmleybequia the Smart Shunt needs to be connected to the Cerbo GX via a VE Direct cable, how is yours connected?

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parmleybequia avatar image
parmleybequia answered ·

Wayne, thank you for your response. Its a new set up and figured out it’s not connected to the Cervo Gx and was hoping there is another way of connecting it so I do not have to run a separate cable

I do know that the smart shunt is connected to the 2 solar controllers via blue tooth. The solar controllers and the multi plus invert chargers are connected via cable

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