
izzy010568 avatar image
izzy010568 asked

MPPT and Orion-Tr not working together?

I have a BlueSolar MPPT 100/50 and just fitted an Orion-Tr 24/24/17. Both are set to Victron lithium battery defaults for absorption (28.4v) and float (27v). Driving today, MPPT shows float at 27.6v but Orion shows as bulk charging. Why would this be?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Izzy010568

Those 2 units can't be synchronized in their charge states. I imagine the mppt has completed its Absorb phase, then dropped to Float. After that you've brought on the Orion, which now has it's own plan, trying for Abs. The V rises above mppt Float level, but the mppt will keep reporting Float as it's own target, and it's output should drop to zero.

If you don't want a second Abs cycle, maybe create another Preset in the Orion and set it to a flat V. It's possible too that both units read a slightly different V, so allow for this if you want the solar to have priority, which you can do by setting the mppt Float just a touch higher than the Orion's setting.

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izzy010568 avatar image izzy010568 commented ·
Thank you, makes sense now you’ve explained it! If I change to the v in the Orion, should I make abs and float the same something like 26.8 and leave float on the Mppt at 27v?
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