
mbelia1967 avatar image
mbelia1967 asked

Multiplus 3000 smart dongle 0.6vdc to high in VictronConnect

I have a 8 month old multiplus 3000 12vdc with Victron solar and smartshunt. All the recent updates have been performed. I’ve noticed that my system has been in float/ storage mode at lower voltages than should and that the VictronConnect multiplus volts are always .6vdc to high. Verified with multimeter and all cables are perfect. I’ve been operating the multiplus with the app but now have to plug in a dmc 200 that I have yet to mount to get the charger to work properly. From all my test the smart dongle seems to be outputting the wrong sensed voltage. Any thoughts?

Multiplus-IIVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Mbelia1967 a colleague will email you to find out what is wrong with the dongle.

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