
Kevin avatar image
Kevin asked

Can I directly bolt a fuse to my smart battery before the main bus bar?

Due to space constraints, I would like the main bus bar as close as possible to the positive end of the battery. either a very short piece of bar stock or bolting a fuse direct would be ideal.

Any other ideas welcome.


Cat blu

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would not like to bolt a high energy fuse directly to the battery terminals. This doesn't leave much protection from the blast in the event of a failure. High energy fuses should be housed in a proper enclosure.

A short piece of bar stock would be OK as long as it does not pose any mechanical stress on the battery terminal. Vibration could cause mechanical stress too if this installation is in a vessel or vehicle.
You still need to situate the fuse elsewhere though.

Sorry, it's difficult to give positive suggestions without being able to picture your situation.

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Kevin avatar image Kevin commented ·
Thanks for the prompt answer. I am working on a solution. I am just starting my design with three 200a batteries and will likely have more questions!
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dwmarine avatar image
dwmarine answered ·

I have some suggestions for options we use on survey boats with space constraints, but as W Kirby stated: we are not aware of your exact situation.

We use Blue Seas MRBF fuses and holders which attach directly to the battery terminal.

They are available in single or dual fuse configuration and are ignition protected if you use the Blue Seas fuse.

Capacities up to 300amps at 58volts are available.

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Related Resources

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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