
sseeveee avatar image
sseeveee asked

Use LOAD/excess when battery is full?

Hello! Is it possible to use 100% Excess power when the battery is full? Or use 50%/50%, because i don't want to use the energy from the battery ( and shorten their lifespan )to the inverter on a sunny day.

I have Victron multiplus 48/3000/35-16 in my basked and i dare not to buy until my question is answered : )

best regards

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2 Answers
tommas avatar image
tommas answered ·

I think youre pointing to excess solar power coming from an mppt/pwm solarcontroller?

For as far is i know, when batterys are at 100%SOC the mppt will reduce output power. When there is enough sun and batterys are full and you apply a load on the system, the mppt will generate the power that is needed for the loads, when loads are higher than generated PV power it starts draining youre batterys(or when clouds come over you're panels).

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sseeveee avatar image sseeveee commented ·

Oh! This is truly the answer i was looking for ! Thank you!. Is that an default option tho or do i have to switch something in settings. Thank you again!

best regards

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tommas avatar image tommas sseeveee commented ·

Yes it´s default. Its just the way energy wants to flow in the easiest direction. The mppt reduces its output at a certain floatvoltage, when you add a load youre battery will feed it for a short time and drops in voltage so mppt kicks in by generating power because the voltage drops.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It is possible, and possible to do in many ways depending on your equipment, experience, loads and expectations.

Perhaps a good place to start would be in the introductory documention for the Multiplus assistants -

You can even have a play with 'demo' models in the software to get a feel for how it might work before you buy.

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sseeveee avatar image sseeveee commented ·

Thank you for the answer ! I check it right away.

best regards

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