
jfisher avatar image
jfisher asked

Blue Smart IP22 30a charger internal sensor overrides bmv-712a temp for low-temp cutoff

I have 2 Blue Smart IP22 30a chargers in sync with each other and a BMV-712a to receive battery temperature. My LiFePO4 batteries are heated in an external battery box. When on A/C power and the temperature drops below freezing, even though the batteries are at 50 deg. F (10 deg. C) the chargers are remaining shut down due to low temperature where the chargers are located. This appears to be a firmware bug, I cannot find any options to set temperature priority to external via v.e. smart networking or internal.

Is that a known issue? Is there a firmware fix planned for this?


Lithium Batterybluesmart ip22temperatureVE.Smart Network
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Not sure what you mean by BMV712a, but the standard BMV712 has no temperature sensor. I couldn't find it with an a suffix as a product.

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