
jacoballen18 avatar image
jacoballen18 asked

Can two Quattros in parallel be wired into a single electrical panel?

Hi. I have 2 x Quattros 48/5000/70 and wanting to set up in parallel. My main question is: can they both be wired into the same electrical panel (breaker box)? I tried that a few days ago, and when a load was applied it only sounded as if the “Master” unit was doing all the work. Something didn’t seem right, so I turned off the power and am only using one inverter at the moment in stand alone mode.

Last question: would it be beneficial to set up the two inverters in split phase instead? I am currently in an off grid set up and living in my 5th Wheel camper (50 amp) while I build a house.

Does one option outweigh the other? Thanks for your help!

Note: in the attached picture, the red wire that is disconnected is from the second inverter, and it is currently switched “OFF”. Other than that, is something wrong with the wiring?

Also, I do have the MK3 device and the UTP Cables and am familiar with programming the inverters.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery charging
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3 Answers
jacoballen18 avatar image
jacoballen18 answered ·


Electrical panel

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

They can be (should be) connected to the same electrical box when configured in parallel.
I'm curious how the one is working on it's own if they are configured in parallel.
When configured as two in parallel, then they should each share the load. Did your installer ensure the proper AC wiring requirements to the AC panel?

You could remove the parallel configuration and then apply a split phase configuration provided that is an acceptable configuration for your local wiring regulations. Your electricial or installer will be able to advise you.

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jacoballen18 avatar image jacoballen18 commented ·

It was a self install.

Could it be that my electrical panel is wired as a “sub panel”? (At a different season in life, I had a need for split phase and had to wire the panel accordingly, and left panel wired in that manner. Now I would prefer a parallel system, but open to go back to split phase if necessary)

Just curious if the issue would arise from both units neutrals being in the same bar and both grounds being on the same bar.

Thanks for your quick reply!

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ jacoballen18 commented ·
I wouldn't want to comment on how your panel(s) are currently wired, but the correct way to wire two units in parallel is with Earth, Line and Neutral from each wire into the same panel in parallel after applying the appropriate configuration.

I'd suggest being absolutely confident about what you are doing before attempting the is work, it needs to be done correctly.
There are some excellent training articles and video lessons on
Familiarise yourself fully and make sure your electrician know what they need to do also when doing the wiring.

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Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
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