
hanyhc avatar image
hanyhc asked

Multiplus 2 GX Communication problem


I have several installations in which i used a Victron Multiplus 2 GX and I had some problems in most of these installations, i think the problems that I am facing are related to the communication with the built in GX device.

These are some of the problems that I faced:

1- The screen turned off in 2 installations,

2- The Connection with the GX device embedded in the inverter is not good, no data is transferred to the VRM, noting that all the connection cables are new, it works only after rebooting the remote console, but after some time, the problem returns,

3- The icon of the PV solar charger disappeared and then appeared after rebooting the remote console, but after a few minutes it disappeared, the system saw that there was no PV so the batteries were discharging, Also noting that the connection cables (VE direct in our case) between the chargers and the inverter are new as well,

4- The GX reboots randomly, and in the VRM the inverter appears OFF, the client thought that there was no electricity in the house while is was ON.

Hoping to get some help regarding this topic

Thanking you

Multiplus-IIgx devicecommunication protocol
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Hanyhc I've sent you an email.

It might have to do with this, but we'll find out:

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jyweet avatar image jyweet commented ·
Hi, I am experiencing the same problem at one of my clients with a three-phase 5kva GX installation. The no data alarm will trigger and then after a hard system reboot it will keep for about 2 to 3 hours and and it will fail to communicate again. It has a wifi as a main connection and LAN connection as backup, which are both functional. How do I proceed to get the GX units for the 3 X 5 kVA inverters replaced?

Thank you

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tobschter avatar image tobschter commented ·

hi Danieël, I have a easysolar 2 48/3000 gx with multiplus2 in parallel 1 phase with 3 pylontech us3000c in RV and since yesterday (before no issues for 3 month) all the communication goes offline at 5am, cannot connect anymore on local network (lan connected) nor is it online in vrm! the screen is still on and no error shown, seems to work normally. batteries normal on 75% soc, 2-300 watt pv in at the moment.

only hard restart with batteries off/on made it back on over the switch no success to restart. over the switch it goes on —> hub-off, vebus error:#17 master missing. no idea what is wrong. gx communication module? or is the whole gx card off? what can i do i am in slovenia at the moment.

thx and best,


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