
Aurimas Bukauskas avatar image
Aurimas Bukauskas asked

Grounding Input-Side Negative Cable from Orion Tr Smart Isolated


Possibly a newbie question:

I have an Orion TR Smart Isolated to charge a house battery in a truck camper on a flat bed truck. I ran a wire from the positive input terminal on the Orion in my camper to the engine bay which I will connect to the positive terminal on the starter battery. I'd like to avoid having to also run a negative wire from the Orion input negative terminal up to the engine bay (would need to drill more holes, etc.). Can I just run a wire from the negative input terminal on the Orion to a ground closer by (the flat bed of the truck)? Or does this need to run all the way to the starter battery negative?


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Better to use the extra wire, not a chassis ground. Otherwise you get resistance and electrolytic corrosion problems die to the high current.

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Aurimas Bukauskas avatar image Aurimas Bukauskas commented ·
Understood, thanks!
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