
dothedr3w avatar image
dothedr3w asked

Quattro compatibility with EG4-LL 48v batteries?

Hey everyone,

This is my first post in this forum, and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community. My question is:

Is the Victron Quattro compatible with EG4-LL (formerly gyll) 48v batteries?

The batteries are available through Signature Solar and have RJ45 ports. They are almost always seen paired with Growatt products.

48v battery
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Those batteries are unsupported since they are not on the battery compatibility list:

Approach the battery supplier for more information before using unsupported batteries.

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Justin Tierney avatar image Justin Tierney commented ·
I asked a similar question about a week ago. I’ve reached out to signature solar to see if they’ve done any testing with victron products.
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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered ·

any news on this?! the original chinese supplier (hunan CTS technology co. ltd) says, these are compatiple with Victron.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
As you can see if you click on the link, it s still not on the list.

But that doesn't mean that it isn't working.
It just means that it is not official supported and you have to ask the supplier/manufacturer if you have any problems.

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Charlie avatar image Charlie commented ·

confirmed. A "closed loop" connection between EG4-LL v2 & Victron is already possible.

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Patrick avatar image Patrick Charlie commented ·
NOTE: That video is about the version 2 EG4-LL batteries, which have a different BMS than the Version 1 EG4-LL batteries. In the video, they do mention you can use the V2 as the main connection to the CerboGX and v1s connect to the v2.
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